
cancer // the prayer gathering

cancer // the prayer gathering

I’ve been procrastinating the blog post about our prayer gathering last Sunday. I just don’t have the words it deserves to describe the beauty of it, the presence of God, the incredible generosity and outpouring of support. It left me speechless. Over 100 dear family, friends and sweet clients came out to our house on Superbowl Sunday. Some sweet faces that I hadn’t seen in so many years, several who battled cancer as well, and some who I didn’t even… Read more »

cancer // the other side

Hello readers of Shea’s blog. While Shea is all strung out on Benadryl, I am sneaking in to do a little guest post. Just a little back story for those like three of you who don’t know who I am… Shea and I met at a photography workshop on January 10, 2010. I found my notes.. not secretly celebrating our friendaversary every year or anything.. How has it only been six years. Feels like 16. There was no ‘getting to… Read more »

cancer // my time

I have this verse on the mirror above Eva’s changing table, so you know I see it OFTEN. ‘Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.’ – Psalm 90:12       Then there is this quote, floating around Pinterest and Instagram: ‘The greatest gift you can give someone is your TIME. When you are giving your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.’   I’m struggling… Read more »

cancer // incredible news

2.3.16 Time for the follow-up appointment, anxious to hear if they found any cancerous cells in the organs they removed from surgery. The nurse called to say they wanted me to meet with the radiologist while I was there, and that they had the results from the tests, but she wouldn’t tell me if it was good or bad. They wanted me to take a hearing test as well, as sometimes the cisplatin can damage your hearing. (Awesome). Mom, Dad and… Read more »

cancer // life is terminal

2.1.16 Today was so restful. My sweet sister and mom decluttered our tiny house. I was getting overwhelmed looking at all the STUFF exploding from behind every door while being trapped on the couch. Confession: In the back of my mind today, I started wondering if Eva really remembered me (I know that’s silly and I blame the missing hormones and the devil trying to steal my joy) but the thought was still there. So many other sweet people have been taking… Read more »